Thursday, June 21, 2012

Colour field painting


Here is Helen Frankenthaller's painting, "Nature abhors a vacuum". For the first time since I began drawing and art seriously (about 10 years ago!) I have begun to find such abstract works truly meaningful. Of course, my fascination with abstraction began with Vassily Kandinsky who is featured earlier on this blog. The straight from the heart expression of painters such as Jackson Pollock and other American painters is so seductive. The imagery is at once sensual and direct, without any sentimentality, no "story" to tell and no "message" for the viewer. It allows for instant contact with the painter's inner process. I just found out that Helen Frankenthaller, a leader in this type of painting died in late 2011. Her colour field expressions seem to present "landscapes" that evoke a fundamental understanding of both colour and mood. Really beautiful! Check out this nice review: